Who We Are
Eltanin Thuban Draconis
Gamma Alpha Draconis
Society of the Fire Keepers
Serici et Gladium
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By Johannes Hevelius, via Wikimedia Commons |
Eltanin (Gamma Draconis) is the brightest star in the constellation Draco, found as the eye of Draco. It is also known as the “Zenith Star” due to its proximity to the zenith point directly overhead London. This star is 471 times more luminous than the Sun.
Thuban (Alpha Draconis) is located at the tail of Draco and is 250 times more luminous than the Sun. It was the North Pole Star (a.k.a. Pole Star, North Star) from 3942 to 1793 BC.
The dragon is the easily-understood and easily-identifiable image of the Seraphim. Seraphim comes from the Hebrew noun seraph, meaning, "fiery flying serpent". Draco also means "fiery flying serpent". The dragon image is the transliteration of the Seraph angel into art form. The Seraphim, along with the Cherubim and the Thrones, are among the highest order of the angel hierarchy. The Seraphim are the angels who embody fire and who shield the throne of God. Outwardly, in order to be easily understood by the masses, we identify with the constellation Draco. But inwardly, we identify with the Seraphim.
Eltanin Thuban Draconis is an esoteric society founded by C. JoyBell C. on March 12, 2017, comprised of professionals from various parts of the world who have come together to study and to practice what is honourable, what is true and what is beautiful.
Founded upon the modern-day Dragon Creed, we are a brotherhood which aims to utilise dragon sight in order to offer clear-seeing guidance to those who need it. We are neither white nor black; but we are the presence of both white and black: we are the balance.
"... to you the night shines as bright as day. Darkness and light are both alike to you." Psalms 139: 12
Each member of this society effectively promotes sustainability in each of their own fields. Sustainability of commerce, sustainability of art, animal welfare, human welfare, social justice, human relationships, the environment and sustainability of happiness. Each member is an effective and capable individual in his/her own right. Together, we bring our unique skills to a shared table and through our individual and collective prestige, we lend credence to the actions of other organisations and societies; to the actions of policy makers and movers and shakers. We do not hide our faces; we are not hiding behind an organisation— we are the organisation.
We aim to endorse organisations and up-and-coming individuals whom we unanimously deem to be an important force for the right kind of change and development that the world needs to see at any current given time. When an individual or a group is endorsed by our society, this individual or group of people will be endorsed by each member in their respective fields and circumference of influence. A friend to the society is a friend to each member of it. If you gain merit with the society, you gain merit with each one of us and we will bring credence to your vision, work and person.
If you would like to contact us as an organisation, individual, or a policy maker seeking endorsement or affirmation of credence from our society, please contact the founder directly. Moreover, we sincerely look forward to helping charitable organisations and drawing attention to organised events for good, socially sustainable causes. Feel free to contact the founder for these purposes.
If you would like to contact us for personal guidance, please choose a member of our organisation whom you would like to speak with, from the list of members below. The society does not guarantee in any way that we will able to fix your problems or to fix your life; however, we can guarantee that we will try to steer you into the right direction. Members of the society may choose to reply or not to reply, depending upon their current work loads or personal loads in life, at the time of contact. There might not always be someone there to answer you; nevertheless, if there is someone ready and willing, you can be sure that they will try to communicate with you.
The only method of acceptance to our esoteric brotherhood is through divinatory means. We will never accept members through membership fees, nor do we believe that arcane knowledge should be liberalised and thrown about blindly to the masses.

C. JoyBell C.
Founder, Arch Magus
I am the author of more than a dozen works delving into Philosophy of Mind, Esoterism, Poetry, Fiction, and other things believed to be transformational, inspirational and wise.
I began sharing my writings publicly in 2009 and now my words are quoted and hailed by some of the most notable spearheads and movers and shakers of this day and age; who range from the fields of science and technology to economy, psychology, medicine, sports, music, theatre, corporate entity, politics, humanitarian organisations, show business, fashion industry, medicine, wellness, spirituality and spiritualism, military and intelligent defense, so on and so forth; all of whom I am very honoured to have as followers of my work.
I have offered personal mental and emotional guidance and support to people from all walks of life and a very wide range of areas of existence. I have a specially soft spot in my heart for students and children. 💙
I also work with a number of scientists, ranging from the fields of Astronomy to Cosmology, Theoretical Physics, Human Biology, Nanomedicine, AI, Medicine, etc. I help scientists brainstorm their scientific thought in light of ethics, morality and philosophy.
My experience in business comes from belonging to a family which is also a business conglomerate. In our family conglomerate, we own and manage enterprises ranging from deep well drilling, to farming machinery, to real estate (and more in between). Being raised in business, it is only natural to me, as is speaking my own language and living in my own skin.
If you have been anywhere on the internet, you have inevitably run into my work somewhere. Moreover, I have been dubbed “The Batman of our times”, a very fun thing to have said about me, possibly the funnest thing I’ve achieved in my profession! Who doesn't want to be Batman?
Read Letter from the Founder here, in order to better understand why I birthed Eltanin Thuban Draconis.
“Best female writer/ thinker of our time.”
~ Laurie Jackson, Mental Health Therapist, Counselor, and Educator
Lilly Burchstead
"I live in Los Angeles, California. I am a Finance Manager at Paramount Pictures. I have worked at Paramount for almost 13 years. I have been fortunate to work with incredible people who have become mentors, friends and family. I have a beautiful daughter who inspires me every day.
I am involved with Mixed Roots Foundation and a proud ambassador. Mixed Roots is a nonprofit organization. 2016 is our 5 year anniversary. Mixed Roots collaborates with individuals, businesses and organizations to promote and support organizations, create awareness and inspire future generations touched by adoption and foster care to achieve their dreams and goals. It educates and inspires the greater community about the importance of knowing and embracing your own identity of being mixed roots including your biological, cultural, and spiritual roots which ultimately makes up and brings together the diversity in the community. November is National Adoption Awareness Month. Mixed Roots has officially launched GAGP (Global Adoptee Genealogy Project) this month. GAGP is collaboratively project to help adoptees and their families discover their biological and cultural roots via DNA testing and search and reunion resources.
My friend and I produced Stars Are Already Dead. It is an independent film that will be released soon. The film is about hope, faith and light."
Amarpali (Amy) Singh
Amy Singh is a spoken word poet, TED-X speaker, story-teller and inspirational blogger. She is a relentless reader and hopelessly hopeful person, who is also an actor/writer at ManchTantra, a theater group. Amy’s first poetry book is soon to hit the printing machine. Meanwhile, she is wandering the planet, reading books, gazing sunrises and spreading hope.
Jim Crotty
Jim is the Owner and Photographer at Picture Ohio, LLC. Aside from Jim’s involvement with the arts and entrepreneurship (he comes from a long line of entrepreneurs), he also gained a firm foundation in perseverance and determination while serving as a United States Marine. Jim’s evidence of loyalty to the United States Marine Corps Reserve includes the following: Honorable service including active duty training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, Parris Island, SC; graduate of USAF Security Police Academy at Lackland Air Force Base, Marine Corps Detachment; Camp Lejeune, North Carolina; Ft. Carson, Colorado Springs, CO and Camp Kinser, Okinawa, Japan. Corporal E-4 with Selective Marine Corps Reserve Award.
Jim has been a Marketing Communications Manager, a Journalism Teacher and a Speech Communications Teacher. His true love, though, goes to his two daughters, Emma and Chloe; and also to his son, Philip. His love is also evident in his affection for the arts. Jim says about his photography: “Life is art and a love for the art of living infuses every project I become involved with, from commercial photography assignments to teaching photography to capturing images that effectively express my appreciation for the beauty and wonder of nature. What I do as a profession and avocation resides deep within my being.”
Rouba Khattar
"I am Rouba Khattar, a graduate from Hariri Canadian University and I work as a medical underwriter in Lebanon. I live in the lively and crazy city of Beirut. I work as a medical insurance underwriter. I am a dreamer and a cake lover. I grew up among music and books. Music has been and will always be my life companion. I write occasionally, and I have been doing it often lately. Travel is my delight and I hope to see the world one day. I like to inspire and be inspired. I know my dragon; I hope you get to know yours too."
Athanasia Steffen
Athans is pictured here with her daughter.
“After many years working in corporate then smaller more family-friendly companies, I have finally reached a stage in my life where I can do the work that is most important to me. I am an Animal Rights Activist and I work quietly behind the scenes supporting and helping those on the ground to change the wildlife laws in countries where wildlife exploitation is rife. My current focus is Mexico, where institutionalized animal abuse is the norm and where weak wildlife laws allow wildlife, namely big cats, to be used for entertainment and profit. It is my hope that 2017 will see the advent of ethical sanctuaries in Mexico where rescued wildlife can spend the remainder of their lives in peace and tranquility. My team and I are working with those in Mexico to make this happen; 2017 will see a long awaited project come to fruition. We will be working with ethical predator facilities to help them, among other things, implement ethical management programs which will also include raising awareness and education on the care of big cats in captivity. I will also be visiting South Africa to volunteer at Emoya Big Cat Sanctuary where I will be hands-on with the care of rescued abused big cats. I support LIBERO Santuario Silvestre (Mexico), I.C.A.R.U.S. Incorporated, the Painted Dog Conservation Inc. (Australia) and, like I said, will be volunteering with Emoya Big Cat Sanctuary in South Africa.”
Jenna Freimark
Jenna Freimark is a Registered Nurse who is also trained in YogaNursing, a new and trademarked advancement in healthcare practice. She is also a current member of The American Holistic Nurses Association and is gaining certifications in Aromatherapy, Healing Touch, Health and Wellness Coaching, and Massage Therapy. Jenna says that it is “at the core of her heart” to help “uplift and nurture people”. She says, “I want to leave others better than I found them.”
Jenna holds a special place in her heart for adoption, as this touches a very personal aspect in her life, which is actually responsible for leading her on her journey of self-discovery, searching for truth and in fact finding my writings. She likes to spend her time reading Philosophy and other works that help to lead her and others onto the path of self-improvement, the discovery of truth and the better understanding of others.
Socrates Gliarmis
"My name is Socrates Gliarmis. My wife and I have two beautiful, talented sons and live in North Carolina near the coast. Being second generation Greek descent, all of my grandparents arrived through Ellis Island from various islands of Greece, a country and heritage I treasure for her traditions, attitude of joy, wisdom and beauty.
I own and operate with my father a family business, the oldest continuously family owned and operated restaurant in North Carolina. My grandfather and namesake began the business in 1921. While I take great pride and pleasure in the restaurant my outside interests are vast and important to me.
I enjoy volunteering, contributing to and supporting organizations of nature and the the environment, mental health and addiction recovery, and working with children. I support and volunteer with the North Carolina Conservation Network, Coastal Conservation Association as well as with the Wilson County Substance Prevention Coalition. I enjoy reading to and mentoring the youth in schools and support groups. Being outdoors hiking, biking, boating and exploring the uninhabited islands throughout the Outer Banks of North Carolina is a great passion of mine.
Everyday, and truly each moment, is quite extraordinary. Each day we are given is a gift and the appropriate response is gratefulness. If we do nothing else but to cultivate that response to the great gift this unique day is, if we learn to respond as if it were the first day in our life and the very last day, then we will have spent this day very well. We are given this life to love, enjoy, learn, grow and contribute to the good of mankind, nature and the earth in whatever way possible. When we are available to the present and our appointment with life, we find there are no ordinary moments."
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